Degree 3rd Year English Suggestion 2022 -Essay Writing
Write an essay on any one of the following part-02
In this article, I am sharing the Degree Final Year English Suggestion and solution 2022 for an upcoming exam. If you’re searching for a degree final question suggestion for 2022, then you’re the perfect place. So let’s start in this content. essay writing tips.
Write an essay wirting on any one of the following.
বি.দ্র. উপরিউক্ত Topic থেকে দুটি essay দেওয়া থাকবে।সেখান থেকে যেকোন একটির উত্তর দিতে হবে। উপরিউক্ত টপিকটি পরিক্ষার জন্য খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। তাই ছাত্র ছাত্রীদের বেশি বেশি করে অনুশীলন করতে হবে।
Special Degree (pass)Final suggestions.essay writing
- Female Education in Bangladesh.
- Student and social service.
- A journey by train.
- Patriotism.
- Population Problem.
- Tree plantation.
- Fruits of Bangladesh.
প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থী বন্ধুরা, তোমাদের সুবিধার জন্য উপরের Essay গুলোর উত্তর অত্যন্ত সহজ সাবলীল ভাবে করে দেয়া হয়েছে । নিম্মের essay essay writing গুলো নোট করে নিতে পারো।
Essay Writing
(vi) Importance of reading newspapers.
Introduction: The papers which supply us with news and views of home and abroad are called newspapers. They are very important to us. The civilized world cannot be thought of without newspapers.
History of the newspaper: The first newspaper was published in Venice in Italy. It is also said that a kind of newspaper was introduced in China during the eleventh century. However, ‘Samachar Darpan’ was the first newspaper in Bengal. It was published by missionaries of Sreerampur. The India -Gazette is the first newspaper in Indo- Bangladesh.
Kinds of the newspaper: There are many kinds of newspapers such as Dailies, Weeklies, Bi-Weeklies, Monthlies, Half Yearly, and Yearly. Of these, most people read the dailies because they give us fresh news and views of the day.
Newspaper in Bangladesh: In Bangladesh, there are various kinds of newspapers. With the advancement of scientific technology, our country has got some important newspapers such as the Ittefaq, the Inquilab, the Jugantor, the Sangram, the janakantha, the Bangladesh observer, and so on.
Importance of newspapers: The importance of reading newspapers is written-below:
- Sources of news and views: Newspapers are the sources of news and views. By reading newspapers, people can understand what is happening in the farthest corners sitting on an easy chair. Along with this news, they can read the important views of prominent personalities.
- Formation of public opinion: Newspapers help to form public opinion. The government, political parties, or organizations can create public opinions using newspapers. They also express their opinions in newspapers. Thus newspapers play a great role in forming public opinion and judgment.
- The tool of the government: Newspapers become the tool of the government. The government can easily inform the citizens about its orders, laws, and ordinances. Thus newspapers become tools of the government to run its functions.
- Role in democracy: In the establishment of democratic norms, newspapers can play a vital role. The reactions and opinions of political parties are published here. By reading these, people can understand the opinions of the parties. These help to accelerate democracy in a country.
- Formation of friendship: Newspapers help to form friendships worldwide. By reading newspapers, one can understand the problems of other countries and go to help them. This can create opportunities to grow fellow feelings and friendships.
- Importance of businessmen and job seekers: The businessmen can advertise their products. The customers also understand the quality of products. Again, the job seekers can know about the job – advertisements. Thus, reading newspapers helps job seekers to get jobs.
Demerits of newspapers: Newspapers have immense benefits. So newspapers should be free and impartial. Biased or partial newspapers can harm a lot. False news. may derail the public. Thus newspapers should publish authentic and reliable news.
Conclusion: The reading of newspapers is of great importance to us. Various sorts of things can be known by reading newspapers.
Essay Writing
(vii)Empowerment of women
Introduction: The empowerment of women is an important aspect of the concept of both national and global development. So their participation is to be ensured in development work. Women’s contributions are indispensable for socio-economic development.
World background: Women empowerment is not a national issue only rather the global concept is to be considered. The UN is already working for women’s development.” World woman’s Day” was declared in 1975. First World Women was held in Mexico in 1975.
Bangladesh Background: Women’s position in the past in our country was a beggar description. They were deprived of their rights. They have no value in the family as well as in society. They had no contribution to family income.
Importance of women
Empowerment: Women are nowadays as important as men is society. Because half of our population is women. But they only do the household chores. It is very harmful for our society. It affects our economy very much.
Women’s participation_in various kinds of jobs: At present women in Bangladesh are employed both in low and a few high category jobs. Most of them are employed in agriculture, forestry and fishery sectors where the share of the women employees is 78.8%.
Process of women empowerment: Some particular steps should be taken for the empowerment of women. Women should be careful of their ability. Besides, they should be properly educated. They should be given proper facilities to get good jobs.
Role of NGOs:There is a progressive action programme for the empowerment of women in the NGO sector. ADAB, a top level NGO, has five women in the executive committee. Many voluntary organizations are working to create consciousness.
Its objective:Precondition for the empowerment of women are:-
1.To change their status and financial condition.
2.To make them participate in decision making and controlling affairs.
Steps taken so far: For women development and empowerment, our government has founded a women rehabilitation board, rehabilitation and welfare foundation. The government has declared female education free up to class 12. Compensations for female students are given every month.
Present position of women in Bangladesh: During the last few years women’s status has raised.They are now playing an important role in every sphere of life. By receiving higher education they are becoming pilots, doctors, engineers, teachers etc.
Conclusion: Women are not valueless. They also have the ability to contribute to the development of our economy. So we should give them proper honor. They should be given power.
Degree 3rd Year English Suggestion 2022-Essay writing
Essay Writing
*6.Satellite TV Channel *
Introduction : Television is the most common and affordable source of entertainment of the present world. Satellite TV channels have now added a new dimension to this television recreation.
What is satellite TV channel : Satellite TV channel means the foreign television channels that we can use by means of satellite and dish antenna.
History of satellite TV channel in Bangladesh :In Bangladesh satellite TV channel was first launched in 1992. Now it has spread in every town. Millions of people have become viewers of satellite channels.
Bangladeshi satellite channel’s position : Nowadays some of our national TV channels are also televised globally. Therefore, our satellite television programmes are also received by the viewers in foreign countries.
1.Spread of attitude and outlook : satellite channels enable us to come in close contact with many different cultures and views. We learn about various ways and styles of life and different attitudes. We can compare our own culture with those of others and thus promote our capacity of adjustment.
- promote human understanding : Satellite TV carries the feelings and problems of different nations to us and creates a new feeling of togetherness. This promotes human understanding which is essential to global peace.
- Helping international marketing : Satellite TV advertisements are used on a large scale to promote marketing of every industry in the world. So, people related to trade and commerce become more and more dependent on satellite TV for the spread of their market.
Abuses: - Harms native culture : Every culture is originally based on native culture. But this root is affected by the aggression of satellite channels. The influence of the western culture may badly affect our own literature, songs, traditions, culture et
2.Encouraging colonialism : Some countries influence the public opinions of our country for their own benefit. They want to rule and guide us from far away by the remote control of satellite channels.
3.Encouraging vulgarity and nudism : Vulgar and nude programmes on satellite TV attract the young people of our country. They demoralize the young generation,the vital force of a nation.
Conclusion : Despite some demerits of satellite TV, we can not ignore its merits. We must be practical in our attitude. We need to utilize this modern technology for our own purposes which will be beneficial to us.
Essay writing suggestions
Essay Writing
Digital Bangladesh
Introduction: ”Digital Bangladesh” is at present buzzards to the people of all classes in Bangladesh. Ours is a poor country and most of the people are illiterate. In order to digitalize the country, we have to develop the infrastructure.
Meaning of “Digital Bangladesh”: “Digital Bangladesh” is now the most pronounced phrase in our country. The word “digital ” is an adjective, for “digit” meaning ‘number ‘ which describes information, music, an image etc. That is recorded or broadcast using computer technology. As computer technology works with ‘0’ and ‘1’ it is called so.
What is Digital Bangladesh: Digital Bangladesh means digitizing Bangladesh by ensuring an ICT based society where online information will be readily available and where all possible activities of the government and other non – government or semi – government organizations will be performed using computers and the Internet.
Induction of Digital Bangladesh : Making a digital Bangladesh was an election manifesto of the Bangladesh Awami League in 2008. After winning in the 9th National Parliamentary Election, the Awami League has decided to develop Bangladesh into a digital country by 2021.
Why build up Digital Bangladesh : Bangladesh achieved independence in 1971. About 40 years have passed since it achieved freedom. But it is still burdened with the problems of poverty, overpopulation, corruption etc. Considering these, the present government wants to overcome all these problems by building up digital Bangladesh.
Aims: The motto of digital Bangladesh is to establish technology -based digital governance, e-commerce, e – agriculture, e-education, etc. Emphasizing the overall development of the country and the nation.
Benefits: The benefits of digital Bangladesh are many. If we can establish a digital Bangladesh corruption will be reduced by enhancing transparency and accountability. It will save people’s time and money and will make people more enterprising.
Digital system in some sectors: To make Bangladesh into a digital country we can apply the digital system in the following sector:-
- Election: People have no faith in the leaders. So to ensure free and fair elections, it is necessary to introduce e-voting and set up CCTV cameras in the voting center.
- Education: Multimedia class is greatly helpful to the students. If teachers’ lectures are displayed on the screens, students can easily follow them by listening to the lecture and watching on screen.
- Medical: If a digital system is applied in the field of medicine, patients can make appointments to see the doctor. They can even pay fees online and can get medical prescriptions without appearing before the doctor.
- Agriculture: People supply food for the entire population of our country. If a digital system is applied in the field of agriculture, our farmers will be able to grow more food and will get the proper value for their products.
Implementation: For implementing this dream of the government many things have to be done. First of all, the production of the power supply must be increased. Secondly, computer network infrastructures have to be developed throughout the country. Thirdly, we have to train our people to acquire ICT skills.
Conclusion: To make a digital Bangladesh by 2021 is one of the commitments of the present government. If our govt. succeeds in building up Digital Bangladesh. Our country will be able to make progress in all sectors.
Degree 3rd Year English Suggestion 2022-Essay writing
Essay Writing
*(x).Unemployment problem/any Problem *
Introduction: Bangladesh is an overpopulated country. For this reason, Bangladesh is burdened with a lot of problems. The unemployment problem is one of them. When a man is out of any kind of productive work he is said to be in a state of unemployment. It is very shameful for men and also for the country.
Unemployment is a curse: Unemployment is a curse for men. Every man wants to live in peace. The unemployment problem obstructs this man’s expectations. An unemployed man has to lead the cause of most the crime.
Reasons: There are many reasons behind the unemployment problem. They are given below.
- Population growth: Our country is very populated. The rapid growth of the population is the main reason for the unemployment problem. Job facilities are very small for this reason. And this increasing population outpaces all development programs in the country.
- Industrial backwardness: Our country is industrially very backward. There are few mills and factories in our country. The mills and factories that we have can give employment to a limited number of people.
- Limited cultivable land: Most of the people of our country depend on agriculture. But our cultivable land is very limited. The supply of land is so limited that it can not employ a large number of people. Moreover, this profession is seasonal.
- Faculty education system: Our system of education fails to give an end to an independent start in life. It has little provision for vocational training. So, after taking the highest degree even from the highest seat of learning, they remain unemployed.
- Attitude of our educated Youngman: Our students and youth have false sense. They prefer service to any kind of business. This false sense of dignity and prestige is one of the reasons for their being unemployed.
- Distribution of wealth: Inequitable distribution of wealth is also one of the reasons for this problem. The high birth rates of the population have to be checked through family planning. A large number of mills and factories should be established throughout the country.
Effects: Unemployment is a great social evil. It is far-reaching. effect on the economic, social, and political affairs of the country. Unemployed people are social parasites. They consume national wealth but do not contribute to the economy of the country.
Possible ways to solve this problem: To solve the unemployment problem, proper attention should be given to controlling the growth of the population. All measures to solve the unemployment problem will be futile if the population is not controlled.
Conclusion: The unemployment problem is a great curse to a nation. Whatever be the cause or causes proper steps should be taken and we should try our best solution to this problem.
Degree 3rd Year English Suggestion 2022-Essay writing