৪টি Paragraph শিখে সকল প্যারাগ্রাফ লেখার কৌশল।Paragraph writing tips.
Today Discuss topic Paragraph writing:
In English paragraphs are truly important because paragraphs remain in every Test. Analogous as the JSC test, SSC test, and HSC Exam. Mark paragraph 10 for every Test. Also I will partake in some ways that you can give paragraphs in the Test. If you learn one paragraph you will be suitable to write this related also paragraph this matter consider easily I have made some paragraph for you. I hope that if you follow these styles you will be suitable to give paragraphs in Test.
৪টি Paragraph শিখে সকল প্যারাগ্রাফ লেখার কৌশল।Paragraph writing tips.
আজকে paragraph লেখার কৌশলগুলো শিখে নিলে আশা করি যেকোনো paragraph লিখতে পারবেন। অনেকগুলো Paragraph একসাথে মুখস্থ রাখা যাদের কাছে অনেক কঠিন, তাদের এই কঠিন কাজকে সহজ করে দেয়ার জন্য আজ আরটিকেল এ থাকছে চারটি Paragraph দিয়ে সকল Paragraph writing লেখার দারুণ সব টিপস এবং ট্রিক্স।
বি.দ্র: প্যারাগ্রাফগুলো শিখার আগে নিচের নিয়ম দুটি নিয়মগুলতিজেনে নিন।
- ১) যে প্যারাগ্রাফটি লিখবেন [NP] স্থানে উক্ত প্যারাগ্রাফের নাম দিবেন।
- ২) ভাল নাম্বার আশা করতে চাইলে পারলে নিজ থেকে আরো বাড়িয়ে কিছু লিখতে চেস্টা করবেন।
Common Paragraph:1
*Paragraph Writing*
(N.P) has become a common incident in our everyday life. We get the news of (N.P) the newspaper everyday.(N.P) is now a serious problem in Bangladesh. It is going out of control day by day. It makes everything. we can not think of a free life for it. It loses not only our lives but also our progress. The people have to suffer a lot for this. Everyone feels this problem but can not solve it. The bad effect of (N.P) can better be understood than described.
Most of the people are falling victim to this deadly curse. It destroys the standard of social life. All want a good solution to this serious problem. Public opinion must be taken to solve this problem. The government as well as conscious people can play a vital role in this regard. The public administration should be conscious and active. This problem should be solved very soon if we want to survive this and prosper. Nobody can remain idle in the face of such an alarming problem.The government should take measures to control it. Besides all of us irrespective of caste, color, religion and all ages should find out the remedy of this problem.
All kind of social problem
***List of the paragraph***
1.Food Adulteration.
2. Drug addiction
3. Smoking.
4. Hartal day.
5. Traffic jams.
6. Environmental pollution.
7. Acid throwing.
9.Copping in the examination.
12.Water pollution.
13.Road accident.
14.Price hike/Spiral.
16.Load shedding.
17.Eve Teasing.
18.Street accident.
19. যে কোন সমস্যামুলক paragraph আসলে এটা লিখলেই চলবে।
Note: প্রশ্নে যে paragraph আসবে N.P এর স্থানে তার নাম লিখবে।
Common Paragraph:2
*Paragraph Writing*
(N.P) is the most valuable and powerful element of success in life. In the absence of it there would be cause and confusion in the society. So it is necessary in all spheres of our life. It is the key to success inlife. If we make a list of successful people who have acquired a high degree of proficiency in their respective vocation .We will find that their success depends mainly upon this great virtue. Though (N.P) is a mental faculty and an invisible quality, its effect is greatly felt. It is more valuable than money. It is to be prized on its own account.
It brings great rewards for human life. It dignifies every station and builds up every person and advances every society. Without it, man can earn respect. (N.P) is also the backbone of one’s existence. Without it no man can not accomplish anything great or glorious in life. In the absence of it, a man loses every charm of life and all other virtues and thus he becomes unfit for useful existence. In a word those who have risen in their respective vocations have done simply by dint of it. Therefore everybody should have it at any cost and the earlier the better.
*List of Paragraph*
3. Dignity of labor.
4. Truthfulness.
5. Patriotism.
8. Good behavior.
9. Industry.
12.Dignity of labor/friendship/ Truthfulness.
13.Patriotism/kindness/Education/ Industry.
14. যে কোন ভালো দিক আসলে এই paragraph লিখলে চলবে।
Note: প্রশ্নে যে paragraph আসবে N.P এর স্থানে তার নাম লিখবে।
Common Paragraph:3
*Paragraph Writing*
We live in an age of science. Modern age is a science. Modern civilization is the reflection of it. It is a blessing to mankind. We can see the wonders of science around us. Science has made our life easy and comfortable, such as telephone, computer, Internet, radio, electricity, dish-antenna etc. They are very useful to our lives. We cannot think of our modern life without it. It has changed our life, society and culture. It has both good sides and bad sides.
If it is used for the welfare of mankind,it will be welcomed. But if it is used to the destruction of the human environment, it is not welcomed by people. The invention of (N.P) has changed the face of the world. It has a great impact on us. It works like the magic lamp of Allahddin.
Now (N.P) has become an essential part in our everyday life. We can not think a single moment without it . We can do anything positive or negative by the help of it. But we should use it for the welfare of the whole of mankind.
৪টি Paragraph শিখে সকল প্যারাগ্রাফ লেখার কৌশল।Paragraph writing tips.
*List of Paragraph*
1. Computer.
7.Any Science.
8. Facebook.
9. YouTube.
10. বিজ্ঞান বিষয়ক।
Note:প্রশ্নে যে paragraph আসবে N.P এর স্থানে তার নাম লিখবে।
Common Paragraph:4
*Paragraph Writing tips*
We live in society. We can see various types of people in it. Though all are not important they are part and parcel of our society. They may be of different professions such as doctor, teacher, fisherman, poet, singer, player etc. (N.P) is one of them. He is a common person in your society. He is also an important person. (N.P) is an education/uneducated. He is very well. His truthfulness and honesty are unthinkable. (N.P) is a very busy person. The way of living of a (N.P) is very simple.
He is a good-natured person. His/her works are for the welfare of society. We like him very much for his simplicity and his friendly behavior. Since he is a part and parcel of our society. It is our duty to be careful about him. We must help him as much as we can. We can do anything positive in our society by the help of a (N.P).
*List of Paragraph*
1.A fisherman.
2. A teacher.
3. A Social worker.
4. Any Person.
5. যে কোন ব্যাক্তি।
Note: প্রশ্নে যে paragraph আসবে N.P এর স্থানে তার নাম লিখবে।
উপরের প্যারাগ্রাফগুলো এমন কৌশল অবলম্বন করা হয়েছে যে, 4টি প্যারাগ্রাফ শিখলে এই রিলেটেড যতগলো প্যারাগ্রাফ আছে সবগুলো যাতে করে লেখা যায়।যেমন:আপনি সকল প্রকার সামাজিক সমস্যা সমূহ (All kinds of social problems.) প্যারাগ্রাফ লিখতে পারবে মাএ একটি প্যারাগ্রাফ শিখে। আশা করি আপনার বুঝতে পেরেছেন।
৪টি Paragraph শিখে সকল প্যারাগ্রাফ লেখার কৌশল।Paragraph writing tips.
নিচে দুটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ Paragraph লিখে দেওয়া হলঃ
*Paragraph Writing*
*1.Tree Plantation/Importance of trees*
Tree plantation means planting more and more trees. We know that the tree is our best friend on the earth. It is essential for the environmental balance. It is essential for our existence. We cannot live without it: We cut down trees for many reasons. We cut down trees to get timber and firewood. As a result our world is becoming tree vacant. Cutting too many trees leads the world to desert.
It is responsible for the greenhouse effect. For this, man’s ability to grow food is decreasing. Birds and animals are losing their habitats. Many of them have already gone extinct. For too much heat, the polar ice caps will melt. Most of the parts of the world will be flooded.
There will be no ecological balance. Thus the world will be unfit for living. The tree is one of nature’s most useful gifts. We cannot live without oxygen, a selfless gift of the tree. The tree provides us with timber, firewood and housing material. We get vitamins from the fruits of trees. The tree helps to keep the environment balanced. It prevents air pollution by taking carbon di-oxide. It helps to avoid various kinds of natural disasters.
Every person should plant trees. In every vacant space, trees should be planted. More and more trees should be planted on both sides of roads and embankments. Public awareness is essential to make the campaign successful. The government and the countrymen should come forward. The more we plant trees, the more we do good for us.
Paragraph writing tips
Friendship is a bond that is built carefully and treasured fiercely. It is a bond that you would not let go easily; you will defend it at all cost. It takes time to nurture a friendship. It is not created for the nonce. It is cultivated with much love and care over time.There is a great deal that goes into building and keeping a friendship. It is love and care that keep a friendship going.
Where there is no love but only greed and selfishness there is no friendship at all. A friend is one who will sacrifice anything for you and yet not feel it a sacrifice at all, for there is love and concern for the other in a true friendship.
When there is love in a friendship it can last a lifetime. A true friend is one who will share in your joys and in your troubles. Your friend will feel joy in your enjoyment and pain in your time of trouble. It is heart-warming and comforting to have a real friend.
You know you will have a shoulder to weep on if sorrow or failure comes your way. Just as you will be assured of a hand to share a high five with in your joy and success. A friend is one who shares with you with no expectations. There is no quid pro quo in such a friendship. Friendship gives true happiness, because when you have a real friend you have all their love.