
কম্পিউটার ও তথ্যপ্রযুক্তি থেকে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্নোত্তর

কম্পিউটার ও তথ্যপ্রযুক্তি থেকে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্নোত্তর: Important questions and answers from computer and information technology
১. অত্যাধুনিক কম্পিউটারের দ্রুত অগ্রগতির মূলে রয়েছে- ইন্টিগ্রেটেড সার্কিট (আইসি);
২. কম্পিউটারের ব্রেইন হলো- Microprocessor
৩. আধুনিক কম্পিউটারের জনক বলা হয়- চার্লস ব্যাবেজ কে;
৪. কম্পিউটারের আবিস্কারক- হাওয়ার্ড অ্যইকেন;
৫. আধুনিক মুদ্রণ ব্যবস্থায় ধাতু নির্মিত অক্ষরের প্রয়োজনীয়তা শেষ হওয়ার কারণ- ফটো লিথোগ্রাফী;
৬. কম্পিউটারের সকল কার্যক্রম নিয়ন্ত্রণ করে- সেন্ট্রাল প্রসেসিং ইউনিট;
৭. কম্পিউটারের কেন্দ্রীয় পক্রিয়াকরণ অংশ গঠিত অভ্যন্তরীন স্মৃতি, গাণিতিক যুক্তি অংশ ও নিয়ন্ত্রণ অংশের সমন্বয়ে;
৮. কম্পিউটারের যন্ত্রাংশ বা যন্ত্রকে বলা হয়- হার্ডওয়্যার;
৯. কম্পিউটার পদ্ধতির দু’টি প্রধান অঙ্গ- হার্ডওয়্যার ও সফটওয়্যার।
১০. কম্পিউটারের সমস্যা সমাধানের উদ্দেশ্যে সম্পাদনের অনুক্রমে সাজানো নির্দেশাবলীকে বলা হয়- প্রোগ্রাম;
কম্পিউটার ও তথ্যপ্রযুক্তি থেকে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্নোত্তর
১১. কম্পিউটার ভাইরাস হলো একটি ক্ষতিকারক প্রোগ্রাম বা সফটওয়্যার।
১২. ইন্টারনেটের মাধ্যমে উনড়বত চিকিৎসা পদ্ধতিকে বলা হয়- টেলিমেডিসিন;
১৩. নাফিস বিন সাত্তার- বাংলাদেশী সফটওয়্যার ইঞ্জিনিয়ার ২০০৭ সালে অস্কার পুরস্কার অর্জন করেন;
১৪. কম্পিউটারের সফটওয়্যার বলতে বুঝায় এর প্রোগ্রাম বা কর্মপরিকল্পনা কৌশল;
১৫. মেশিনের ভাষায় লিখিত প্রোগ্রামকে বলা হয়- এসেম্বলি;
১৬. প্রোগ্রাম রচনা সবচেয়ে কঠিন মেশিনের ভাষায়;
১৭. বিশ্বব্যাপী বিপর্যয় সৃষ্টিকারী সিআইএইচ (চেং-ইয়ং-হো) ভাইরাস ২৬ এপ্রিল ১৯৯৯ তারিখে আμমণ করে।
১৮. তারবিহীন দ্রুতগতির ইন্টারনেট সংযোগের জন্য উপযোগী- ওয়াইম্যাক্স;
১৯. ঠঝঅঞ প্রযুক্তি ভূ-পৃষ্ঠ হতে স্যাটেলাইটে যোগাযোগ করার জন্য ব্যবহার করা হয়;
২০. প্রম ল্যাপটপ কম্পিউটার- এপসন, ১৯৮২;

২১. পুনরাবৃত্তিমূলক কাজে কম্পিউটার বেশি সুবিধাজনক;
২২. কম্পিউটারের ক্ষেত্রে তথ্য পরিবহনের জন্য পরিবাহী পথকে বলা হয়- বাস;
২৩. উপাত্ত গ্রহণ ও নির্গমণ বাসের নাম ডেটাবেস;
২৪. ওরাকল- একটি ডেটাবেস সফটওয়্যার;
২৫. ডেটাবেস সফটওয়্যার এর জন্মতারিখ হলো একটি ফিল্ড;
২৬. শিক্ষার্থীরা সহজে আয়ত্ত করতে পারে ইঅঝওঈ প্রোগ্রাম;
২৭. System softwareথাকে Startup disc G
২৮. পাওয়ার অপেন- একটি অপারেটিং সিস্টেম;
২৯. প্রম সফল কম্পিউটার বাজারে আসে ১৯৭৬ সালে।
৩০. কম্পিউটারের কোন বুদ্ধি বিবেচনা নেই;
৩১. কম্পিউটার ভাইরাস হলো একটি ক্ষতিকারক প্রোগ্রাম বা সফটওয়্যার।
৩২. মেকিনটোশ কম্পিউটারের সাহায্যে পৃথিবীর সব ভাষা ব্যবহারের প্র ম সুযোগ আসে;
৩৩. কমপ্লেক্স কম্পিউটারের নক্সা তৈরী করেন- ড. স্টিবিজ;
৩৪. ইউনিক্স অপারেটিং সিস্টেমে দুইশ’র অধিক কমান্ড ব্যবহার করতে হয়;
৩৫. মেশিন ল্যাঙ্গুয়েজ দুইটি সংকেত সমন্বয়ে গঠিত;
৩৬. প্রাচীন ব্যাবিলনে গণনার পদ্ধতি ছিল ২ ধরনের;
৩৭. হেক্সাডেসিমেল গণনার মৌলিক অংশ ১৬টি;
৩৮. বিশ্বের প্রম ওয়েব ব্রাউজার- মোজাইক;
৩৯. প্র ম কম্পিউটার প্রোগ্রামিং ল্যাঙ্গুয়েজ- ফরট্রান;
৪০. লিনাক্স অপারেটিং সিস্টেমের জনক- ট্যাভেলড লিনাক্স;

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৪১. পৃথিবীর প্র ম স্বয়ংক্রিয় গণনার যন্ত্র- মার্ক ১; যন্ত্রটি লম্বায় ছিল ৫১ ফুট দৈর্ঘ্য:
৪২. সবচেয়ে দ্রুতগতিসম্পনড়ব টেপ- ম্যাগনেটিক টেপ;
৪৩. ইন্টারপ্রেটার- অনুবাদক প্রোগ্রাম;
৪৪. কম্পিউটার নেটওয়ার্ক তিন ধরনের- খঅঘ, গঅঘ, ডঅঘ;
৪৫. কম্পিউটারে দেয়া অপ্রয়োজনীয় ইনফরমেশনকে বলা হয়- এরননবৎরংয;
৪৮. তথ্য প্রযুক্তি একটি সমন্বিত প্রযুক্তি;
৪৯. বাংলাদেশে অনলাইন ইন্টারনেট সেবা চালু হয়- ৪ জুন, ১৯৯৬ তারিখে;
৫০. বিশ্বের প্রম কম্পিউটার নেটওয়ার্ক আরপানেট চালু হয় ১৯৬৯ সালে;

৫১. কম্পিউটার নেটওয়ার্কের বর্তমান পরিচিতি ইন্টারনেট চালু হয় ১৯৯৪ সালে।
৫২. প্রম কম্পিউটার প্রোগ্রামার- লেডি অ্যডা অসাস্টা বায়রন (কবি লর্ড অ্যডা বায়রনের কন্যা);
৫৩. ম্যাক্সেমিডিয়া ফ্লাশ- একটি এনিমেশন সফটওয়্যার;
৫৪. স্কোটিয়া- রাশিয়ার অ্যবাকাস;
৫৫. সরোবর্ণ- জাপানের অ্যবাকাস;
৫৬. ক্যলকুলেটরের সর্বেচ্চ ক্ষমতা প্রোগ্রামিং করা;
৫৭. কী বোর্ডে ফাংশনাল কী ১২টি;
৫৮. কম্পিউটারের সুইচ অন করার সাথে সাথে RAM এর জায়গার পরিমাণ পরীক্ষা করে operating system
৫৯. Ok এবং Cancel অথবা Close বোতাম থাকে Dialogue Boxএ;
৬০. বর্ণভিত্তিক অপারেটিং সিস্টেম DOS, UNIX

৬১. Visual Basicএ দুই ধরনের ধ্রুবক থাকে;
৬২. Visual Basic এর Project এ ব্যবহৃত Object- Procedure
৬৩. E-mail ঠিকানার ডোমেন নামের সর্বশেষ অংশকে বলা হয় Top Level Domain (TLD)

  1. LAN Ges LAN Topology- BUS, STAR, RING;
    ৬৫. Flash প্রোগ্রামের ভিত্তি Timeline;
    ৬৬. সুইজারল্যান্ডের বিজ্ঞানীগণ www ব্যবস্থাটি উদ্ভাবন করেন ১৯৯১ সালে;
    ৬৭. ১৯৯৩ সালে প্রথম আবিস্কৃত ব্রাউজারের নাম মোজাইক, আবিস্কারক- মার্ক এড্রিসন;
    ৬৮. ইন্টারনেট লিংক থেকে লিংকে গমণ করাকে বলা হয় লগ ইন;
    ৬৯. Dial up internet connectionএ টেলিফোন লাইন প্রয়োজন;
    ৭০. টেলিফোন আবিস্কৃত হয় আলেকজান্ডার গ্রাহাম বেল কর্তৃক ১৭৮৬ সালে।
    ৭১. Zoom out—image ছোট করা;
    ৭২. Gray scale ইমেজকে সাদা-কালোতে রূপান্তরিত করা যায় Threshold কমান্ড;
    ৭৩. বাংলাদেশে ইন্টারনেট সেবাদানকারী প্রতিষ্ঠান- প্রশিকানেট, গ্রামীণ সাইবার নেট, বাংলাদেশ অনলাইন;
    ৭৪. সর্বপ্রম ফটোশপ ব্যবহার হয় Apple Macintosh কম্পিউটারে;

কম্পিউটার ও তথ্যপ্রযুক্তি থেকে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্নোত্তর

The mechanism of digital is- Symbol of number;

  1. The task of operating system for hardware and software is- Make bridge;
  2. The first calculation machine in the history of computer- Abacus;
  3. The storage capacity of RAM cannot be increased;
  4. The instruction for starting the computer are housed on- Read Only Memory chip;
  5. A destination for data going outside the system is called- Sink;
  6. In a computer system there are 4 parts;
  7. Unwanted e mail- Spam;
  8. The word ‘Computer’ came from Geek;
  9. The process of starting of resting a computer is – Boot;
  10. The ability to have a number of applications running at the same time is called – Integrated;
  11. In general, “My Document” is located at- C drive;
  12. In general, letter D is considered [except A, B & C] for Hard Disk Drive;
  13. Hard disk is a auxiliary drive;
  14. Keyboard is used to store data;
  15. Register is a part of CPU;
  16. The printers usually used in office work- Dot matrix, Inkjet, LASER;
  17. A dot matrix printer prints with “pin and ribbobn”.
  18. The term “Hard copy” means- Printed copy;
  19. The best chart for showing parts of a whole- Pie;
  20. A separate file sent as part of an email message is called a/an- attachment;
  21. Computer memory is normally measured in Gigabytes;
  22. Time to spin the needed data under head- Latency time;
  23. Time to position the head over proper track- Seek time;
  24. Access time is Seek time + Latency time;
  25. The smallest power interruption that can cause memory errors or cause the computer to lock up- 1/200 seconds;101. Properly arranged data is called- Information;
  26. Another word for a Daisy Wheel Printer- Golf ball printer.
  27. The wheel of mouse can make it easier scroll through documents;
  28. First program of Microsoft- DOS;
  29. MS-DOS is operating system for IBM PCs;
  30. DOS is not a multi user multi taking operating system;
  31. ‘DOS’ floppy disc does not have virtual memory;
  32. Text based operating system- DOS, UNIX (for mainframe computer);
  33. Mac Operating System is compatible for Macintosh computer;
  34. The disk contains operating system is called- start up disk;
  35. Cache- related to memory of a computer;
  36. Cache memory have the shortest access time;
  37. The computer that has no hard disc storage but sends input and receives output from the server is knows as- Host;
    114.Binary system is used to store data in a computer;
  38. Example of optical storage device (auxiliary memory)- Hard Disk, CD, DVD, Pen Drive;
  39. USA is the inventor of Internet in 1969. Invented by- Vinton Gray Cerf;
  40. The predecessor of modern internet- Arpanet (Advance Research Project Agency Network);
  41. Web browser is used to display web contents;
  42. Popular Web browsers- Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google chrome, Internet Explorer;
  43. Search engines searches websites by keyword(s);
  44. Popular search engines- Google, Yahoo, Bing, Hotmail, MSN;
  45. The resolution of a printer is measured in Dot Per Inch (DPI);
  46. Tape speed- Inch per second;
  47. The most commonly used standard data code to represent alphabetical numerical and
    punctuation characters used in electronic data processing system is called- ASCII
    (American Standard Code for Information Interchange).
  48. The two basic type of record access methods are- Sequential and Random;
  49. Lower efficiency is the limitation of high level language;
  50. Sequential file organization is the most efficient for a file with a high degree of file activity.
  51. In a punched card system data is processed by a accounting machine, keypunch machine and sorter;
  52. The central device in star topology is- Hub/Switch;
  53. An online backing storage system capable of storing larger quantities of data is- Mass

কম্পিউটার ও তথ্যপ্রযুক্তি থেকে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্নোত্তর

  1. DASD-A class of storage device that can access storage locations in any others;
  2. Disk- An item of storage medium in the form of circular plate;
  3. Aback extension refers usually backup file.
  4. Wi-Fi means Wireless fidelity;
  5. WiMax- Wireless Internet Technology;
  6. A technique used by codes to convert an analogy signal into a digital bit stream is known as- pulse code modulation;
  7. Interconnected computer configuration- Multiprogramming;
  8. An input and output device at which data enters or leaves a computer system- Terminal;
  9. A group of magnetic tapes, video or terminals usually under the control of one master-
  10. The data recording format is most of the modern magnetic tape is – 8 bit EBCDIC;
  11. The most common type of storage device is- Magnetic;
  12. Each model of a computer has a unique machine language;
  13. A computer connected with server (server client) is called- work station;
  14. Microsoft is trying to buy yahoo search engine.
  15. Programming languages- Fortran, Java, C++, BASIC, LOGO, COBOL, Pascal;
  16. 1st Programming language- Fortran (Formula Translator);
  17. The characteristic of computers that differentiate from the other electronic devices- Programming;
  18. Instruction in computer language consist of OPCODE & OPERAND;
  19. Other name of Chip- IC (Integrated Circuit);
  20. The component works first, when you start your computer- Processor;
  21. The utility program could improves the speed of a disk- Fragmentation;
  22. Disk Defragmentation is used to rearrange files in a disk;
  23. Bluetooth operation use- radio technology;
  24. Bluetooth is the name for the 802.15 wireless networking standard;
  25. A CD-ROM drive is labeled with 52x; Here 52x is a measurement of Data transfer rate.
  26. Access time is made up of- data transfer time;
  27. Functional key F12 is- save button;
  28. Pictorial representation of an operation- icon;
  29. Pixel of a color monitor consists of 3 color dot. The colors are- Blue, Green & Red.
  30. The inventor of punch card- Joseph Marie Jacquard;
  31. 1 Byte = 21 to 23 BITs = 2 to 8 BITs information;
  32. 1 kilobyte = 1024 bytes = 210 bytes information;
  33. 1 Megabyte = 1024 x 1024 bytes = 220 bytes = 106 bytes information;
  34. 1GB = = 1024 x 1024 x 1024 bytes information = 230 bytes information;
  35. One millisecond is equal to a 1000th of a second;
  36. The largest unit of storage- Terabyte;
  37. Modem is a device for exchanging data;
  38. Data transfer rate of a dial up MODEM is measured in kbps (Kilo Byte per Second);
  39. Modem connection is used to assess the internet in a very remote location;
  40. Antivirus software is an utility software;
  41. In MS Word application package, you can produce some letter for different persons by using- mail merge;
  42. If you format a disk then- everything will be lost.
  43. In the numerical key pad of a standard key board available- 17 keys;
  44. In a standard keyboard functional keys available- 12 keys;
  45. Charles Babbage invented his first calculating machine in 1812;
  46. Analytical engine of Charles Babbage was the simplification of modern computer;
  47. The specialty of EDVAC- storage program;
  48. “Microsoft Outlook” is a software designed to function as- An Internet Explorer;
  49. Transistor invented in 1948;
  50. Integrated Circuit (IC) invented in 1958;
  51. The most distinctive difference between a LAN and a WAN is- Distance covered;
  52. Programming errors detected by the language translator are called- Syntax errors;
  53. MS Access- A database package;
  54. MS Word, Word Star, WP- Word Processing Packages;
  55. In windows operating system “ctrl + alt + del” command indicate- Shutdown the computer;
  56. Screen size does not affect the resolution of a video display image;
  57. Records are composed of fields;
  58. Fields are composed of- bytes and character;
  59. LASER printers are known as- Character printer;
  60. High speed & high quality printer- LASER printer;
  61. The number system used to store data in a computer is- Binary;
  62. The fasted data transmission media is- Fiber optic cable;
  63. The low level language- machine language, assembly language;
  64. High level language is also called- Problem oriented language, Business oriented language, Mathematically oriented language;
  65. Interpreter translate one instruction- at a time;
  66. The component hold a charge even through power has been removed- Capacitor;
  67. Different components on the motherboard of a PC processor unit are linked together by sets or parallel electrical conducting lines- Busses;
  68. Odd parity bit & Even parity bit associated with error detector;
  69. Analog computer works on the supply for continuous electrical pulses;
  70. Speed measurement device of vehicle- Analog computer;
  71. Graphics for word processor- Clip art;
  72. The file run automatically if it is available extension-
  73. The general term for buying and selling through the internet is- e. commerce;
  74. Removable disk- Floppy disk, compact disk, DVD, Pen drive;
  75. Irremovable disk- Hard disk;
  76. Hard disc is coated in both side above-Magnetic Metallic Oxide;
  77. The command “shift delete”- completely delete;
  78. The scanner used in banking industry is- Magnetic Ink Character Reader (MICR);
  79. “Bullet and Numbering” option of MS Word at- Format menu;
  80. “Header and Footer” option of MS Word at- Insert menu;
  81. Windows 98 Operating System is 32 bit;
  82. A Hybrid computer- Resembles both a digital & analog computer;
  83. The silicon chips used for data processing are called- PROM chips;
  84. Input devices- Mouse, Keyboard, Scanner, Digital Camera, Joystick, light pen.
  85. Output devices- Monitor, Printer, Speaker, Plotter.
  86. Input & Output devices- Modem, Touch screen monitor, Terminal.
  87. IT stands for- Information Technology;
  88. Submarine power cables are cables for- Electrical power running through the sea, below the surface;
  89. The two main types software are- System software & Application software;
  90. A computer must have- an operating system;
  91. The principal system software is known as- Operating system;
  92. The most important part (central portion) of Operating System- Kernel;
  93. The “Information Highway” is also known as- Internet;
  94. All classes IP networks can be divided into smaller networks called- Subnet;
  95. A password is a form of secret authentication data that is used to control access to a resource;
  96. A file is a unit of- Information;
  97. A computer is a device for processing, storing and displaying- Information;
  98. A spreadsheet is a type of- Accounting program;
  99. Scientific software is typically used to solve differential equations;
  100. A personal computer is a type of- microcomputer;
  101. The term Micro (extremely small) denotes 10−6 ;
  102. Palmtop is the name of- a small handheld computer;
  103. A Pentium 4 (P-4) employs roughly 40 million transistors;
  104. Mark-1, Apple-1 & Collossus were- initial desktop computers;
  105. The printers in pre-1950s were- Punch card;
  106. An error in software designing which can even cause a computer to crash is called- bug;
  107. Before the 1950s, computers were mostly owned by universities and research labs;
  108. The computer museum is situated in USA;
  109. The 1st Electronic computer was- ENIAC;
  110. The 1st commercially produced and sold computer was- UNIVAC (1951);
  111. The 1st digital computer- UNIVAC-1 [Edition December, 2008];
  112. IBM was provided software for PCs by-Microsoft;
  113. The first personal computer- Sphere 1;
  114. Time sharing, teletyping were associated with- mainframe computers;
  115. Midrange computer- Minicomputer;
  116. The first electric computer with storage program- EDSAC;
  117. The first computer game- Space war (1962);
  118. There are many computers or dumb computers are jointed with Mainframe computers;
  119. RAM cache will not be more than one-fourth of RAM;
  120. Memory capacity of a CD is 700MB;
  121. Networking operating system is- Resource sharing;
  122. Personal computer, Mainframe and Mainframe computers can use the operating system-UNIX operating system;
  123. Real time server meant- Then and then;
  124. The internal memory of computer is called- Main memory;
  125. The main memory of Atlas operating system- Dram;
  126. The main part of Atlas operating system- Device drive;
  127. The important part for activating of hardware of computer- Software;
  128. Computer can works in diversifying- for processor;
  129. DPT starts in Macintosh computer;
  130. Clone is duplication of developed computer;
  131. First computer was installed in Bangladesh in 1964 at Bangladesh Nuclear Energy Commission, Model: IBM-1620;
  132. The unit of speed of computers work is- Nano second (1 Nano second =10−9 second;
    Computer Logic :
  133. George Boole find the relationship between Logic & Math’s in 1854;
  134. George Boole invented the Boolean Algebra;
  135. There are 2 values of each variable in Boolean Algebra;
  136. There are 3 basic/fundamental gates in Boolean Algebra;
  137. NOT is one of the basic/
    fundamental gates of Boolean Algebra;
  138. The logic gate NOT has one input and one output;
  139. NOT operator is one of the logical operator;
  140. The logic gate NOT has- One output & One Output;
  141. The main character of NOT gate is- reverse the signal;
  142. X-NOR gate is the combination of X-OR gate and NOT gate;
  143. John Nepiar invented- Logarithms;
  144. Super computers, Mainframe computers, mini computers and Micro computers are based on Digital;
  145. The arranging of data in a logical sequence is called- sorting;
  146. The brain of a computer within the CPU is- Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU);
  147. Central Processing Unit is combination of Arithmetic Logic Unit & Control Unit;
  148. The ancient Babylon people used 2 types of counting system;
  149. The ancient Babylon people used 15 based for large counting;
  150. The ancient Babylon people used 10 based for small counting;
  151. The ten-based book was published in India;
  152. Al Khwarizmi wrote a book on ten based;
  153. Binary number system is mainly used for computer system;
  154. In binary number system 2 is the base;
  155. In decimal system there are 10 digits;
  156. In number system the lowest unit is digit;
  157. Computers use 2 digits for its electronic job purpose: 0 & 1;
  158. 1 (One) is the value of any number when its power zero;
  159. The binary compliment of 0 is 1;
  160. The binary compliment of 1 is 0;
  161. The number with the fraction is called- real number;
  162. There are 2 kinds of real number; Any number with fraction is called- real number;
  163. Rational number is understood by integer;
  164. Internal processing (task) of computer is normally performed in- Binary system;
  165. In octal number system, 8 base;
  166. In Hexadecimal number system the base is 16;
  167. Octal + Decimal = Hexadecimal number;
  168. ASCII code that used for the English and Roman language;
  169. There are 2 steps in ASCII;
  170. There are 256 symbols used for the main English language;
  171. There are 85000 symbols used for the Chinese language;
  172. There are 65536 codes for UNICODE consodium in the world for all language;
  173. The latest version of UNICODE 501;
  174. The length of Unicode character is 16 bits;
  175. Bit is the short form of- Binary & digit;
  176. The first digital computer was invented by- Blias Pascal;
  177. The name of 0 & 1 is bit;
  178. The name of the word that constitute of eight bits in Binary system-Byte; 8 bit=1 Byte.
  179. 8 bits are used for processing data;
  180. The name of Coding system that is used in Bangla language- UNICODE;
  181. An EBCDI code is 8 Bit;
  182. Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) is 4 Bit;
  183. Low level language is own language of computer which is written in binary;
  184. The capacity of 3.5 inches floppy disc is 1.44 MB;
    Spreadsheet Analysis :
  185. Spreadsheet is a accounting program;
  186. The program that used for calculations relating purpose is- Spreadsheet program;
  187. The special advantage of Spreadsheet program- Large and complicated calculation;
  188. The popular and common used spread program is MS Excel;
  189. In 1985 Microsoft company prepared spreadsheet for- Macintosh computer;
  190. The command of spreadsheet program is called- Menu driven;
  191. MS Excel spreadsheet program is Graphical User Interface (GUI) type program;
  192. The reserve words in BASIC include GOTO;
  193. Most commonly used spreadsheet program for DOS is- LOTUS 123;
  194. Lotus is a text based spreadsheet program;
  195. The nature of organization of BASIC is open;
  196. In MS Excel 2003 program maximum number of rows 65536 and columns 256;
  197. In MS Excel 2007 program maximum number of rows 1048576 and columns 16384;
  198. The name of the point where a row and a column crossed is- Cell;
  199. An active cell in work sheet mean- Ready for execute for command;
  200. Cell address A2 means- 2nd row of column A;

কম্পিউটার ও তথ্যপ্রযুক্তি থেকে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্নোত্তর

  1. In spreadsheet program range mean- Select some cell at a time;
  2. There are 2 kinds of cell in MS Excel program;
  3. Using logical formula based mathematical works be done in spreadsheet program;
  4. At the beginning of formula in spreadsheet program Equal Sign ) is to be typed;
  5. The command of symbols currency (dollar, Taka) remain in MS Excel program- format
    cells of format menu;
  6. The cells in the worksheet when cells are run from top to bottom is called- column;
  7. The place of Formula typing in MS Excel is- Formula Bar;
    Word Processing :
  8. The program used for word processing is called- package program;
  9. Key board is joined with computer like type writer for Input data;
  10. Shift key helps to write English capital letters form key board;
  11. Caps Lock is the function of display English capital letter;
  12. Auto correction is possible in English language software;
  13. The line at the top of File, Edit, View in a document is called- Title bar;
  14. G button is used for link in time of Bengali text;
  15. The weekly Anandapatra published in 1987 by Mostafa Jabbar;
  16. To delete a sentence, the command is- press delete button after selecting the sentence;
  17. Different size of characters in word processing software is called as- Font;
  18. Mail merge is- Prepare a document from two file;
  19. Move cursor is done by arrow key;
  20. Point is the unit of measure character;
    351.To select a paper size, the command is- page set up from file;
    Computer Programming :
    কম্পিউটার আদেশ নির্দেশ প্রদানের জন্য কম্পিউটার বুঝতে পারে এমন কিছু সংকেত এবং কতিপয় নিয়মকানুন
    ব্যবহার করে প্রোগাম তৈরী করা হয়। প্রোগ্রাম তৈরীর জন্য ব্যবহৃত সকল নিয়ম কানুন ও সংকেতগুলোকে একত্রে
    প্রোগ্রামের ভাষা বলে। একটি কম্পিউটার শত সহ¯্র ইলেক্ট্রনিক সুইচ সমন্বয়ে তৈরী, যার দুইটি অবস্থা OFF / ON থাকে। এদেরকে দুটি সংকেত ’১’ ও ’০’ দ্বারা প্রকাশ করা হয়। ১৯৪৫ সাল থেকে শুরু করে এ পর্যন্ত কয়েক শত প্রোগ্রামিং ল্যাঙ্গুয়েজ আবিস্কৃত হয়েছে।

কম্পিউটার ও তথ্যপ্রযুক্তি থেকে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্নোত্তর

  1. A series of instructions that tells a computer what to do , how do it is called- program;
  2. Chief component of first generation computer was- Vacuum Tubes and Valves;
  3. First generation programming language – Machine language;
  4. The language which is directly understood by the computer without translation program Machine language;
  5. Second generation computer was developed in during 1956 to 1965;
  6. Second generation programming language- Assembly language;
  7. The third generation programming language is High level language;
  8. Forth generation programming language- Very High level language;
  9. Fifth generation programming language- Natural language;
  10. Computer can understand human language after converting into machine language;
  11. The present time is called age of information;
  12. In industries the device is used as alternative of worker is called- Robot;
  13. Computer is not intelligent like man;
  14. Computer cannot be used to exchange of feelings;
  15. 1st Generation computer- EDSAC;
  16. 2nd Generation computer- IBM 1401;
  17. Vacuum tubes- Computers of 1st generation;
  18. Transistors instead of bulbs at first use in- Computers of 2nd generation;
  19. High level language used in- 2nd generation computer;
  20. Integrated circuit (IC) was in use in- 3rd generation computer;
  21. Micro Computers (Micro processor)- 4th Generation computer;
  22. The brain of a computer- Microprocessor;
  23. Microprocessor invented in 1971;
  24. Intel Itanum microprocessor is 128 bit;
  25. A physical connection between the microprocessor memory and other parts of the
    microcomputer is known as- address bus;
  26. A basic unit of measurement for capacitors is- farad;
  27. At first Microprocessor manufactured by- Intel;
  28. Microprocessor is used for processing data;
  29. Intel 4080 was the model of the first microprocessor was marketed on November 1971;
  30. The Microprocessor 8080 was manufactured by Intel in 1974;
  31. Micro computer were first marketed by Apple company in 1976, Brand name- Apple;
  32. International Business Machine (IBM) company marketed her microcomputer in 1981;
  33. Apple company marketed her new series of microcomputer with Macintosh brand name in 1984 and earned quick popularity;
  34. The translation from heavy computers to PCs was made possible by using- microprocessor;
  35. Several lacks of transistors make a Microprocessor;
  36. There are 5 generations of computers;
  37. Fifth generation computer is still under development;
  38. Artificial intelligence is associated with- fifth generation;
  39. Super Computer- 5th generation computer;
  40. 5th generation computer is also known as Knowledge information processing system;
  41. Assembler is a software;

কম্পিউটার ও তথ্যপ্রযুক্তি থেকে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্নোত্তর

  1. Translator convert programming instruction into Machine language;
  2. Translator software is interpreter or compiler;
  3. Main goal of programming is satisfactory solution of problem;
  4. There are 3 types of programming language- i. Machine language, ii. Assembly language, iii. High level language;
  5. Compiler software is used to convert High Level language into Machine language;
  6. The program that used in High level language is- Source code;
  7. In a perfect program there are 4 steps- i. Identity the problem, ii. Flow chart, iii. Code, iv. Debug;
  8. When flow chart is converted into computer programming language is called- Coding;
  9. Flow chart is the pictorial form of the different steps of a program;
  10. Pseudo code used in programming, the word ‘Pseudo’ come from Greek;
  11. In programming language ‘Pseudo’ means- It is not true;
  12. When some instruction are written before using the programming language is called-
    Pseudo code;
  13. Boolean data type is 2 byte;
  14. Integer data type is 2 byte;
  15. The size of ‘Date’ data type = 8 byte; [each character 2 byte]
  16. Property, Event and Method are the base of a object oriented programming;
  17. A visual basic programming does have 3 mood;
  18. When controls are used on the form at the design mood visual basic programming is called Interface of program;
  19. The principal goal of a visual basic programming language is fast and easy window based program;
  20. In 3rd step coding work is done in programming;
  21. Flow chart is one of the base of programming;
  22. Coding means write program;
  23. 3 types of operators used in visual Basic program;
  24. Array- One kind of variable;
  25. DO ——— LOOP is the statement, means- repetition;
  26. The short form of Combo box- object in visual basic programming- cbo;
  27. The short form of command Button in visual Basic programming- cmd;
  28. The short form of label object in visual basic programming- lbl;
  29. The short form of Text object in visual basic program- txt
  30. Visual basic programming marketed in 1960;
  31. The program that translate program that’s written in high level language into machine
    language is called- Compiler;
  32. The ‘Add or remove programs’ utility can be found in- Control panel;
  33. The task of a debug program is to look into all programs to- Locate and correct errors;
  34. The process of identifying and correcting mistakes in a computer program is referred to as- Debugging [Wrong program];
  35. There are three types of errors in a program, namely- (a). Syntax error; (b). Logical error; (c). Executive error.
  36. In a computer program, the process of executing the same instructions over and over is called- Looping;
    Computer Network and Internet:
  37. Network can exchange data in between different companies;
  38. There are 2 types of Network in computers in context of geographical region- Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN);
  39. When computers are installed very near to each other is the Local Area Network;
  40. When all the computers are installed a long way distance or among the countries is the
    Wide Area Network;
  41. Wired and Wireless are the medium for making internet or network;
  42. The structure that creates network among the computers is Topology;
  43. The member of the Local Area Network is – Bus Topology, Ring Topology, Star Topology, Completely connected Topology, Delta Topology, Hybrid Topology;
  44. The function of Delta Bus among the different computers- Delta transfer;
  45. In Bus Topology does not have Host computer;
  46. In Star Topology does have Host computer;
  47. In Star Topology Host computer plays role of bridge with the terminal;
  48. The name of extended form of Star Topology is- Tree Topology;
  49. The Star Topology does not allow to transfer data directly from computer to computer;
  50. Hybrid Topology consist of Ring + Bus + completely connected Topology;
  51. Internet was popularly known to all and got its recognition in 1994;
  52. The different servers of different cities come under satellite at the beginning of 90’s;
  53. Each and every document of Internet purpose must have their won Address;
  54. Uniform Resource Location (URL) is the address of document in internet;
  55. There are 3 parts in an internet address;
  56. Wikipedia is online based free Encyclopedia;
  57. BD News 24 dot com- The first internet based news agency of Bangladesh;
  58. The first virtual news presenter- Anna nova;
  59. YouTube is a famous video sharing site;
  60. Facebook is a social networking site;
  61. Google plus- A new social networking site of Google;
  62. Account holders of Internet- Netigen;
  63. A person having the full control over the domain of computer is- an operator.
  64. The symbol must exist in an email address- @
  65. Correct syntax for a URL-
  66. In 1972, the symbol @ chosen for its use in e mail address;
  67. We use web to- (1) Send and receive e-mail, (2) Search for information.
  68. “Freeze Windows Panses” is an Excel command which helps in- Password protection;
  69. Firewall- protects a computer system from hacking & filtering Virus;
  70. A program that can copy itself and infect the computer without permission and knowledge of the owner is called- Virus;
  71. The name of structure where data move through a network is- Packets;
  72. Universal gate- NAND, NOR, EX-OR;
  73. Verification of a log in name and password is known as- Authentication;
  74. VoIP means- Voice Over Internet Protocol;
  75. The Google’s first mobile phone is- Nexus One;
    Database :
  76. Database means- Store of Information;
  77. Database management means- proper management of data;
  78. A database is a organized collection of- data or records;
  79. The system when information of different table can exchange- Relational database;
  80. A record consist of- more than one field;
  81. Part of different record is called field;
  82. Date of birth in database program is field;
  83. Show data in various way- Report;
  84. Yes/No in any program- Logical field;
  85. Database software- Oracle, Fox Pro, File maker pro.
    Application of Computer & Multimedia:
  86. Multimedia mean- many media;
  87. Graphics font is used in Lisa and Macintosh;
  88. At the end of 80’s start compose with the help of computer;
  89. Lisa is an operating system;
  90. The dynamic graphics of text in multimedia is called- Animation;
  91. Casketed letter were used during poster size paper printing;
  92. The additional advantage of Multimedia than Radio-Television are- interactivity;
  93. The single wave of sound- Mono sound;
  94. Many wave of sound- Stereo sound;
  95. There are 2 kinds of multimedia- (i) Hyper multimedia, (ii) Non linear multimedia;
  96. Hyper multimedia- Internet based;
  97. Non linear multimedia- Computer based;
  98. Multimedia development tools- Director, Hyper studio, Hyper Card, Super Card and Author;
  99. The criteria to be a multimedia programmer- know text, animation and graphics;
  100. 3 media is required for Multimedia Programming;
  101. The advantage of 3D Vacillator Card in Multimedia is- Excess memory;
  102. We can used Internet and Ethernet in multimedia;
  103. Multimedia mainly depends on Programming;
  104. Multimedia software and Internet is one of the modern teaching aid;
  105. Television program is not multimedia, because it has no- Interactivity;
  106. Nineteen century is recognized as remarkable period of Multimedia;
    RbK (Inventor) .

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